BARRIERS TO STUDY - A very brief introductory pamphlet to highlight some of the important barriers to study covered in the cutting edge Study Skills Mastery course offered by the academy.
CAPITAL LETTER RULES - A quick reference sheet listing all the uses of capital letters. This is covered thoroughly in the Punctuation Matters course and can also be found as a list in the Essential Study Review Booklet.
COMMA RULES - A list of all the rules for using commas which is covered in great detail in the Punctuation Matters course and can also be found in comprehensive Essential Study Review Booklet.
DEMONSTRATION KITS - In our Study Skills Mastery Course found on our website, you will discover a study barrier called: “Lack of Mass.” Trying to learn with an absence of Mass will eventually cause a student to feel squashed, crushed, pressured and a feeling of a heaviness moving in on them. Students love making their own Demonstration Kits and using them to study. By learning how to use this Study Tool, students will understand their subject more fully, find that they learn quickly and easily, and will have good knowledge retention.
GRAMMAR REVISION SHEETS - A quick reference Grammar revision support for all students. For more comprehensive learning and understanding of all parts of Grammar we offer the Great Grammar Course.
GRAMMAR PRACTICE SHEETS - A series of exercise sheets used to revise and practice Grammar.For more comprehensive learning and understanding of all parts of Grammar we offer the Great Grammar Course.
LETTER FORMATION SHEET - This show how to form and write all letters of the Alphabet. For easy to learn writing use 24mm ruled paper for beginners, and then graduate to 18mm and 14mm ruled paper as the student masters writing the letters.
LETTER WRITING BOOKLET - A handy booklet ready to practice writing and sounding out each letter in the Alphabet. This is a handy addition for the Phonics Level 1 Course.
MISUNDERSTOOD WORDS PRACTICE SHEETS - A series of practice sheets to master common misunderstood words. They may be used as an added help whilst moving through the Fabulous Phonics Levels.
STUDY METHOD CHECKOUT SHEET - This checkout sheet is a reference guide for students, teachers or tutors wanting to check that a student has used their Study Skills correctly and can now get a pass on a checkout. this sheet is explained in more detail in the Study Skills Mastery Course.
“SH” SOUNDS SPELLING SHEET- A spelling list of words with Phonics of “TI” “SI” “CI”. See all the Phonics Programmes on our Holistic Courses page.
TIMES TABLES - An innovative and mindful way to drill and learn the times tables.
WORD AWARENESS PROCEDURE - This document outlines the basic procedure for clearing the consciousness of misunderstood words. This holistic procedure is taught as part of the Study Skills Mastery Course offered by the academy. Used by both students and professionals alike, this procedure is a ground breaking tool in the field of education, learning and life skills.
ANDREAS MORITZ - Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation - This book has a wealth of valuable knowledge covering Ayurvedic health, Pranayama practices, Detoxing, Addictions, Healthy Diets, Water, Healing of the sun, Health myths, Cancer and so much more.
BARLEY BABY FORMULA - Anyone who’s been a parent knows that there are only a handful of reasons why a baby gets upset. Either they’re tired, they’ve got a full nappy, they are in pain or sick or they’re hungry. This Barley Formula is a nourishing drink for young babies and growing children. Their tummies will feel full and they will be a much happier and contented baby.
BICARBONATE MAPLE CANCER TREATMENT - This treatment focuses on delivering a natural chemotherapy in a way that effectively kills cancer cells but avoids the brutal side effects experienced with most medical treatments.
BORAX - MIRACLE MEDICINE - A brief text explaining the benefits of taking Borax and how to use it, by Tony Pantelleresco
DETOX - This 7 day Cleansing Detox will give your body a chance to detox and rejuvenate. It will handle excess weight and give the body a chance to regenerate new cells whilst building resistance and energy to heal many conditions.
FENBENDAZOLE AND CANCER - Fenbendazole – FZ acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and can cause cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways
GOLDEN PASTE - An ancient Indian Ayurvedic formulation that combines oil, water, black pepper, and turmeric into a paste that can be added to food or drinks. It is known to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, and neuroprotective properties.
LIVER CLEANSE - A short, concise and easy to follow manual of Dr Andreas Moritz’s liver detox protocol.
MMS HEALTH RECOVERY GUIDEBOOK - This book is filled with alternative health restoration protocols that have been found to work from the experience of grassroots efforts by many people around the world.
OIL PULLING - Oil pulling, also known as "kavala" or "gundusha," is an ancient Ayurvedic remedy for oral health and detoxification.
TECHNOLOGY REMOVAL AND DETOX - An exhaustive list of natural supplements and remedies for detoxing the body.
THE FIVE TIBETANS - A short and easy to follow description of Ancient Tibetan exercises for strength, resilience and health.
SUN GASING TECHNIQUE - The purpose of Sun gazing is to learn how to absorb energy from the primary source of energy in our universe; the sun itself. The origins of this exercise date back in history to the ancient Aztec, Mayan, Egypt, and Indian civilisations.
CHAKRA GUIDE CHART - A Beautifully designed chart to introduce you to the world of chakra energy centres, and their accompanying Sanskrit sounds, crystals, mantras, emotions, elements, colours, essential oils, affirmations and physical alignments.
FASTER EFT - The Faster EFT process changes the references held in the subconscious that result in problems in all areas of life. This technique interrupts the signal between the brain and the organs by focusing on the meridian points connected to those organs, and rewrites the reference or memory associated with a trigger, memory or trauma.
FREQUENCY SCALE - This scale shows the emotional frequency of an individual and the corresponding thrust for survival of the individual. As we handle and clear trauma and charged emotional incidents, often held within the unconscious mind and our etheric body, we easily rise up the frequency scale naturally and easily. This is one of the elements offered in our Clear Mind Communication Course.
HOW TO CHOOSE YOUR PEOPLE - This book, written by Ruth Minshull, covers the array of basic emotions that are displayed by individuals. These emotions have been plotted on a scale and a package of accompanying behaviours that matches these emotions. Ruth explains how these emotions fall into a certain order—going from grim to great. The higher a person’s position on the scale of emotions, the better chances of survival in life. Helping individuals erase the effects of painful past experiences, has an enormous long lasting effect of raising a person’s emotion frequency up the scale.
SACRED GEOMETRY COLOURING IN BOOK - Sacred Geometry is woven into the fabric of all creation. Through observing and contemplating sacred geometric shapes, they can reveal deep wisdom of the Universe itself. Sacred geometry contains high frequencies of energy and light that can heal, awaken, harmonise and rebalance.
SOMATIC PSYCHOTHERAPY TOOLBOX - Mental health clinicians know that trauma, stress, anxiety and depression can catapult clients into a myriad of symptoms, including insomnia, irritability, emotional dysregulation, anxiety, panic attacks, depressed body feelings, and more. This detailed book shows how we can heal through understanding the physical symptoms and signs that the body is showing us.
SOUL GAZING - Soul gazing is a powerful alternative form of meditation, like breath meditation. It can be done in two ways. Firstly, with our focus fixed on the breath and eyes closed. Secondly, with fixed attention on another person's eyes. This download has simple instructions on how to do Soul gazing with another person.
SUCCESS AND ABUNDANCE AFFIRMATIONS - A beautiful booklet by Mind Movies full of positive affirmations to lift your frequency and charge your consciousness with abundance and expansion.
THE FOUR AGREEMENTS POSTER - A poster to download and gift to friends and family based on the book by Miguel Ruiz. Based on ancient Toltec wisdom, The Four Agreements offer a powerful code of conduct that can rapidly transform our lives to a new experience of freedom, true happiness, and love.
BHAGAVAD-GITA - The Absolute Truth is contained in all the great scriptures of the world. However, the oldest known revealed scriptures in existence are the Vedic literatures, most notably the Bhagavad-gita, which is the literal record of God’s actual words. The words Bhagavad-Gita means “Song of God”. This translation of the epic story of the great Maharbharata battle which took place 5,000 years ago addresses the question of what constitutes a virtuous life and those activities that are necessary for spiritual liberation and release from the cycle of birth and death. It discusses the modes of this material world, karma yoga , bhakti Yoga and devotional service as a means to elevate one above all karmic reactions.
BEYOND BIRTH AND DEATH - This booklet introduces the reader to the basic message of Bhagavad-gita- that through Krsna consciousness one can transcend the relative material world of time and space and attain the perfect platform of existence beyond birth and death.
DIVINE OR DEMONIAC - This book is for anyone who is a truth seeker. They will find epic and astounding revelations of knowledge concerning the deepest levels of political power going back to antiquity. The book reveals astounding insights regarding the earliest form of what we know as Christianity and the actual teachings of Jesus Christ. It explains the early infiltration of sinister forces whose aim was to corrupt his teachings.
HARE KRSNA COOK BOOK - A practical Vegetarian cook book that teaches the principles of mindful cooking and eating with higher thinking, spiritual awareness and the practice of “Ahimsa”. Ahimsa in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jainist tradition involves respect for all living things and avoidance of violence towards others.
JAPA MEDITATION - Japa meditation is chanting mantra on a string of beads called a “mala”. A mala has 108 beads and is used to count on with the fingers whilst chanting. “Man” means mind and “tra” means to connect. If one is serious about becoming spiritually advanced, they will be serious about daily Japa.
PATH OF PERFECTION - This book is a historic series of talks on the science of Bhakti Yoga by A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada as one of the greatest modern exponents of spiritual tradition. Srila Prabhupada (1896-1977) was a true spiritual genius who succeeded in articulating the essence of India’s universal spiritual wisdom in a form easily comprehensible and practical for this moern day.
WARRIOR’S PRAYER - A powerful prayer to say at the beginning of each day to protect and shield from evil.
TIME TO HEAL - A book written by the courageous Cathy O’Brian who shows a pathway of deprogramming from MK Ultra trauma based mind control programming, and how to find spiritual freedom once again.